Occupancy Based Controls
Occupancy based operation is one of the most known operational energy efficiency measures.
Typically, This solution deploys occupancy detectors to detects human presence or vacancy into a certain zone and accordingly turns the AC or the lighting ON or OFF. Satchnet provides its clients with some of the top quality occupancy detectors to guarantee the reliable performance of the solution. offered solutions can be used with AC units, lighting circuits or both. offered occupancy detectors can be conventional or independant of any control system, it can be connected to a certain controller to pull out more complicated logic, or it can be networked to a complete automation system. |
Satchnet also furnish this solution with the installation, programming and commissioning professional works.
you can directly contact us for more on the solution suitability for your application and the expected savings resulted from adopting this energy efficiency solution. contact us for more on the technical specifications of the available occupancy detectors. |